Posts Tagged ‘The Smiths’

Morrissey Prepara Autobiografia


O cantor inglês Morrissey, ex-vocalista e líder da antológica banda The Smiths, anunciou esta semana que escreveu uma autobiografia. Segundo ele, o livro já está finalizado e tem mais de 600 páginas. Ele pretende revisar o material e cortar alguns trechos para diminuir a obra:

“Estou na fase de reavaliar o esboço e dar uma aparada. Repassei toda minha vida de várias formas e fico me perguntando se 660 páginas são um exagero para as pessoas aguentarem. Então, sento e penso: bom, será que seis páginas serão muita coisa para as pessoas aguentarem? Eu realmente não sei. Estou aparando.” afirmou Morrissey.

Ele também adiantou que pretende lançá-lo nos próximos 12 meses e ainda não fechou contrato com nenhuma editora, mas que tem preferência pela Penguim Books.  Resta saber se Morrissey contará detalhes de sua vida pessoal e das famosas desavenças com os integrantes do The Smiths.

Para relembrar:

Fonte: Revista Rolling Stones

Música do Dia: The Smiths – Barbarism Begins At Home

Barbarism Begins At Home

Unruly boys
Who will not grow up
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not settle down
They must be taken in hand


A crack on the head
Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head
Is what you get for asking


A crack on the head
Is just what you get
Why because of who you are
And a crack on the head
Is just what you get
Why because of what you are
A crack on the head
Because of
The things you said, or didn’t say
The things you did


Unruly boys
Who will not grow up
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not grow up
They must be taken in hand

Música do dia: The Smiths-Sheila Take a Bow

The Smiths

Is it wrong to want to live on your own?
No, it’s not wrong – but I must know
How can someone so young
Sing words so sad?

Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow
Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear
And don’t go home tonight
Come out and find the one that you love and who loves you
The one that you love and who loves you

Is it wrong not to always be glad?
No, it’s not wrong – but I must add
How can someone so young
Sing words so sad?

Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow
Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear
And don’t go home tonight
Come out and find the one that you love and who loves you
The one that you love and who loves you

Take my hand and off we stride
You’re a girl and I’m a boy
Take my hand and off we stride
I’m a girl and you’re a boy

Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow
Throw your homework onto the fire
Come out and find the one that you love
Come out and find the one you love

Para Marotta.